We regularly assess our effectiveness and performance as part of the School Self Evaluation (SEF). This document is completed in collaboration with staff and governors and has input from our key stakeholders though pupil voice and parent surveys.  From this, we develop our School Improvement Plan (SIP) which allows us to focus on areas of development throughout the year. Our key priorities are

  1. Sharing & Embedding our new Vision and Values to ensure that Pupils are at the heart of everything we do so they can thrive both personally and academically.
  2. Developing our Curriculum to ensure pupils ‘know more and remember more’ through staff CPD, adapting engaging and effective schemes to suit our pupil and local needs and working with subject leaders to ensure monitoring and assessment  is accurate and informative.
  3. Improving our provision for pupils with SEND through staff training, better understanding the needs of our pupils and identifying needs quickly to provide the right interventions and the right time.
  4. Improving pupil outcomes by working together with local schools  to share knowledge and best practice and weaving up-to-date research within our everyday practices to help pupils achieve their full potential.

Our priorities last year  included improving the effectiveness of Safeguarding and the Learning Environment for our staff and pupils. Click on the link below to see a video of the changes since January 2023.

School Improvement Video